Michael Boussina Inclusion Program
is honored to present
Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D![](/images/Article/ScholarInResidence/StephenHinshaw/DrStephenHinshaw.png)
Dr. Hinshaw, a professor of psychology at UC Berkeley and of psychiatry at UC San Francisco, and an internationally renowned researcher of child psychopathology, shares his family's journey with mental illness - and his vision to remove the stigma.
Another Kind of Madness
A journey through stigma and hope of mental illness
Special Community Event
Monday, February 26, 2018
7:00 PM
KOH Library and Cultural Center
2300 Sierra Boulevard, Sacramento, CA 95825
$10 suggested donation
Families are riddled with untold secrets, but Stephen Hinshaw never imagined that a profound secret was kept under lock and key for 18 years within his own family - that his father's mysterious absences, for months at a time, resulted from serious mental illness and involuntary hospitalizations. From the moment his father revealed the truth, during Hinshaw's first spring break from college, he knew that his life would be changed forever.
Actress Glenn Close said of Hinshaw’s book:
“Another Kind of Madness is one of the best books I’ve read about the cost of stigma and silence in a family touched by mental illness. I was profoundly moved by Stephen Hinshaw’s story, written beautifully, from inside-out. It’s a masterpiece".
Signed copies of Another Kind of Madness available for purchase at the author's discount of $15 at the event. Checks & cash only
Seating is limited - RSVPs are recommended
For information & to RSVP contact Taliah Berger at 916.541.3720 or